Experimental Research
Effect of Indian Traditional Exercises on Health
Related Physical Fitness and Psychosocial
Profiles of AIDS Patients
Dr. Balwantgopal R. Singh
Worldwide nations are aware of the dramatic accounts and reports of AIDS, which is one of the great threats to mankind. Human society has to accept today’s unfortunate truth that “there is neither a cure nor vaccine for AIDS” AIDS (Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) is the disease spectrum of a sexually transmitted infection caused by Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV)
AIDS is the really most advanced stage of HIV spectrum and the symptoms arise due to the deteriorated states in human immune system= Fear and prejudice about AIDS and AIDS affected persons persist, because most communities consider it a contagious disease. In fact, it is not an air-borne or water-borne disease. The tears, saliva, sweat and urine does not pose any danger. However , it is communicated through blood, semen, vaginal secretion and cerebrospinal fluids (C.S.F) of infected person.
AIDS is the last, most server and well known stage of HIV infection. Hence, not everyone infected with HIV has AIDS. After having been exposed to HIV, the virus remains in the blood stream without any symptoms.
Relevance of the Problem
It has been revealed that AIDS has become a symbol of death. This is the most fetal illness today’s world is facing. Through scientists are trying hard to invent a medicine to cure it, but as yet it has not been successful to it’s fullest extent and the present time speaks it as an incurable disease. Literature reveals it is imported from Western world.
The modern medical rehabilitation techniques available to us revealed that recent advancement of medical technology could resists or halt further progressive multiplication of AIDS to some extent. Government and Non-Government or Voluntary Organizations in India have, therefore, taken utmost care for propagating the message to general public with the hope to prevent this disease. Even for public awareness, Govt. of India as well as the state Govts. have been using extensively the powerful media viz., newspaper, TV, radio etc. However, inspire of such Endeavour, the progressive multiplication of AIDS with higher intensity has been evidenced in indies in general and in Maharashtra in particular. More specifically, in the city of Greater Mumbai the spread of AIDS has become more intensively dreadful.
Modern medical science suggests that such mortality rate may be prevented by Rehavioural Stress Management Procedure along with a group of drugs called Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (Plotnikoff, Murgo, Faith & Wybran, 1991). However, the conventional treatment procedures are both expensive and inadequate to meet the challenge of containing this epidemic.
This, in turn, suggests that we have to reconsider about some alternative methods to prevents as well as to control this life threatening discuses.
While considering alternative methods to prevent as well as to control AIDS, the researcher consulted various literatures of our Indian system of traditional exercises and medicines viz, Yoga, Ayurveda and naturopathy. The claims in these literatures indicate that our Indian traditional yogic texts have enough evidence to prevent and even to manage immunological problem.
Rational of Yoga in AIDS
Patanjala Yoga Sutra (PYS) traces Psychlolgical roots of Psychophysiological imbalance in Cittavrttis (PYS; 1.29-3). Awareness remaining one pointedness and devoid of distractions goes inward and removes psychophysiological impurities (PSY 1.29). Yoga Vasistha recommends use of mantra and service to the holy persons in case of contagious diseases. Thus yoga practices being psycho physiological may essentially contribute to restirring ones psycho-immunological status. Hence yoga practice might prove to be promising intervention in HIV patients.
Statement of the Problem
Various reports revealed that the HIV / AIDS patients’ immune power readily deteriorated to such an extent so that over all health affevted tremendously. As a result they suffer with a great loss in Health tealede Physical fitness and axhibit imbalance in Psychosocial profiles. It was, therefore, thought if our ancient traditional system of Indian exercises, especially Yoga, is useful in tacking AIDS by promoting immune power that is being exhibirted through improvement in health related fined and psychosocial status. Thus, the research project entitled’’Effect of Indian Traditional Exercises on Health related Physical Fitness and Psychosocial Profiles of AIDS Patients” has been undertaken.
Objectives of the Study
This piece of research has been conducted in considering the following objectives :
To evaluate Health related Physical Fitness status of the patients suffering from HIV / AIDS patients.
To assess the psychosocial status of HIV / AIDS patients.
To impart existed medical treatment to the HIV / AIDS patients and also to execute Yoga training programm to them.
To compare how the selected Yoga exercises and existed medical treatment can contribute to improve Health related Physical Fitness and Psychosocial adjustment of the patients suffering from HIV / AIDS.
H1: The existed conventional medical treatment procedure will help to improve the Health related Physical Fitness and Psychosocial profiles of the patients suffering from AIDS,’ has been retained.
H2 : The training programme containing Indian traditional exercises along with present system of medical care will be effective in improving the Health related Physical Fitness and Psychosocial profiles of the subjects suffering from AIDS,’’ as formulated in this study has been sustained.
The Subjects
On the basis of a clinical symptoms and diagnosis, made by medical experts, 30 AIDS patients (male = 18; female=2) in the age group 20-40 years were identified from the private Doctors’ Clinics, Bhiwandi, Thane. All the subjects belong to ‘ ‘ red-light-area’’ and ‘ ‘prostitution’’ situated in the areas of Hanuman Tekadi,Kalyan Road, Bhiwandi. A separate name list of these patients was also prepared. In fact, the AIDS patients (n=30) were pooled as sample by following the principal of Purposive Sampling Technique. The male patients were then randomly assigned into two equal groups, viz., Experimental group (Group-B1: n1=9) and Control Group (Group-A1:n2=9). Similarly, the female patients were randomly assigned into two equal groups, viz., Experiment group (Group-B2: n1=6) and Control Group (Group-A2:n2=6).
Experimental Design
As stated above, all the selected male subject were randomly assigned into two groups, viz., Group-B1(Experimental) and Group-A1 (Control) Each of the male groups consisted of 9 subjects. Similarly. all the selected female subjects were randomly assigned into two groups viz., Group-B2(Experiment al) and Group-A2 (Control) . Each of the female groups consisted of 6 subjects.
After pre-testing with dependent variables, the Groups – B1 & B2 (experimental groups) received ‘medical treatment and yoga exercise’ training, whereas Groups-A1 & A2 (control groups) underwent ‘medical treatment only.
Medical treatment to all the groups (A1,A2,B1,& B2) was rendered with the help of professionally qualified medical doctors, who are speculated in HIV / AIDS care and busy with their regular clinical practices, in implementing prescribed medicines and stand ard clinical procedures.
However, the Yoga training was imparted to the groups B1 and B2 only. The schedule of Yoga training was kept same for both B1 and B2 groups, which was composed of selected Yoga practices as referred to work against low state of immune power (Hatha Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita and Patanjala Yoga Sutra).123 Yoga training was imparted for 45 minutes daily, except Sundays and holidays, for total period of 6 weeks. They wrer suggested to take normal diet sa per the suggestion of medical doctors.
After completion of yoga training programme for 6 weeks, the dependent variables were tested second times to record the efficacy of yoga training on AIDS patients.
Thereafter, the subjects were directed to practice Yoga for another 6 weeks on their own in a manner that they have already learnt. In this period, there was no practical guidance to them about yoga training. They were suggested to take normal diet as they have taken during experimental period. This 6 weeks period, all the dependent variables were finally tested.
The dosages of different stimuli, in this experiment, for the selected groups were equated on the basis of the following:
Dally schedule of medical treatment is same from both the groups (i.e., experimental and control)
Experimental Groups (male & female) received Yoga training in the afternoon and duration of this dosage was 45 minutes. However, during these 45 minutes, the subject of the Contral Groups (meal & female) were kept busy with some recreational activities and / or book or magazine readings.
The total duration of this experiment was (i.e.,6 weeks for experiment and 6 weeks for follow-up) that was equally followed for both the experiment and control groups.
Thus, the ‘Parallel Group Design’ was followed to conduct the experiment .
Variables Selected and Tests used
‘Health related Physical Fitness Variables’ include strength, fiexibilty, obesity (body fat%) and cardiovascular efficiency.
‘Psychosocial Variables’ includes emotional maturity, social values, adjustment power, and attitude.
‘Health related Physical Fitness’ and ‘Psychosocial’ status of selected AIDS patients, before as well as after experiment and follow-up period, was evaluated with the help of some slandered tests.
Statistical Analysis
Factorial ANOVA followed by Schaffer’s Post Hoc test5 have been applied for data analysis.
To summarize, the overall results revealed that-
Favorable trends of improvement in overall Health related Physical Fitness’ and ‘Psychosocial’ variables are evident while the AIDS patients were treated with modern medical system. Thus, ‘Medicasl care’ being rendered by the authorized Medical Doctors, was found useful in maintaining improved status of health, fitness and psychosocial homeostasis of the AIDS patients. Thus, the hypothesis-‘ H1: The existed conventional medical treatment producer will help to improve the Health from AIDS, ‘ ‘ has been retrained.
Moreover, inclusion of ‘Yoga’ a system of Indian traditional exercises, while combined with recent treatment prouder of ‘Medical care’ could record significant improvement in almost all the variables Health related Physical Fitness’ and ‘Psychosocial’ factors od AAIDS patients. Such an improvement status was found consistent even after 6 weeks of Follows-up period. Thus, the hypothesis- ‘ ‘ H2; The Training programme containing Indian traditional exercises along with present system of medical care will be effective in improving the Health related Physical Fitness’ and ‘Psychosocial’ profiles of the subjects suffering from AIDS.’’ as formulated in this study has been sustained.
Although Patients were some limitations, the present experiment could draw the following conclusion :
AIDS Patients who had undergone “Medical care alone’’ could improve almost all the variables of “Health related Physical Fitness’ and ‘Psychosocia profiles’’ How’re. the treatment stimulus i.e.,’Medical care plus Yoga’’ was found significantly better than” Medical care alone’’ in improving overall status of Health related Physical Fitness’ and ‘Psychosocia abilities of the AIDS patients.
· In the basis of the finding of this study may further be made in this filed by involving the biochemical status of AIDS patients.
The present study recommends that schedule of ‘Yoga – traditional Indian system of exercises’ be included in the present system of medical treatment to enhance the health, fitness and psychosocial homeostasis of AIDS patients. This study also r3ecommends that inclusion of Yoga in our medical treatment may also exhibit clinical improvement in AIDS patients.
The report of the study revealed that all patients are identified AIDS cases. Therefore, rehabilitation benefits of combined treatment of Yoga and Medical care have been studied in this piece of research. However, further research on utility of Yoga on prevention benefits of in case of Asymptomatic HIV Patients has been recommended.
The children, who have acquired HIV by birth, require special medical care since there are many internal changes in body size, shape, weight, body, composition and blood consitiuents which not only leads to improper growth but also causes low-fitness. Further research studies on different treatment systems with Yoga and Ayueved along with modern ‘medicals care’ are recommendered to facilitate HIV-affected children’s growth.
Biochemical and immunological investigations, although expensive, may be undertake in further studies while dealing with HIV / AIDS patients.
Contribution to the Knowledge
This study contributes a new idea about’ usefulness of Yoga, an Indian traditional system of exercises, In tour present systems of medicine for prevention as well as rehabilitation of AIDS patients.’
Inclusion of Yoga in the medical treatment for HIV / AIDsS patients perhaps accelerates human immunity power. Such a hypothesis may further explore new tide in the paradigm of knowledge related to medical as well as physical education and allied sciences. This pieces of research, in fact, adds a quantum of knowledge for prevention and rehabilitation of AIDS by using Yoga, an inexpensive Indian system of exercise. Techniques, which is easily accessible to common people.
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